This one though is way too funny
not to comment. In an article in the
Journal Constitution website titled "Organic snack bars recalled due to
possible Salmonella," an ad appeared for the Snickers® candy bar.
the organic snack maker didn't want to have a report about their product next
to a candy bar ad, nor did Mars, Inc. want their candy bar ad to appear in an
article about salmonella. It is, however, a good starting point for a lesson on
how website ads really work.
Boycott Watch is one of the many
websites which have ads via an agency such as
Value Click Media. Internet ad
agencies broker ads, taking advertising contracts to put ads on various
websites, and hopefully everyone will make money in the process. While there is
some control over which ads appear where, there are no guarantees for which ads
will or will not appear on any given page.
Sometimes ad placement or
misplacement can generate complaints, including one person who complained that
a website, via the virtues of a specific ad, called a certain lady looking at
the website "fat", making her very upset at the website owner who really did
not control the ad. In the case of Boycott Watch, an ad for Aruba travel has
appeared on a page about the boycott of Aruba, which was odd. One may wonder if
Aruba specifically wanted the ad to appear there as it would be in Aruba's best
Regardless, the Snickers ad
placement was ironic to say the least. |
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