The release of the Apple iPhone 5 had many up in arms about
their new mapping application, as Apple breaks away from Google and other map
service providing companies. The new map app, however, has been seen as a
disaster, prompting Apple's CEO Tim Cook to issue a statement admitting it is
not performing to the levels their customers expect. Meanwhile, Boycott Watch
has received several emails about an issue with their maps, a problem we see as
endemic to Apple.
The complaint is that according to Apple, Jerusalem is not
in Israel despite the fact that Jerusalem is the capital city of the State of
Israel. While many would see this as Apple playing politics to some extent,
Boycott Watch sees a disturbing pattern.
In a 2006 Op-Ed, Boycott
Watch President Fred Taub noted that "Arabs were upset
when they
found Israeli batteries in Apple computers and demanded the suppliers remove
all such batteries from future shipments." The case is further detailed in
Fred Taub's groundbreaking book Boycotting Peace where he cites a New
York Post article dated April 15, 2003, by Paul Tharp titled "Apple Gets
Bruised in Arab-Israel Fight."
In this case, a tiny Israeli-made battery was found in an
Apple computer and the Arab world was so outraged, the batteries had to be
removed before being delivered to the end customer. The Arab boycott of Israel
bans all Israel goods from Arab entering Arab nations, and even band ships that
have ever docked in an Israeli port from entering an Arab port. As for
computers, the processors chips in Microsoft-based PC's as well as Microsoft
Windows itself are both partly developed in Israel, thus are boycotted in the
Arab world, making the entire Apple product line acceptable in the Arab world
by default.
We contacted Apple for out 2006 report but they refused to
comment about the sourcing of any materials, including batteries. Although we
have no proof, all indication point to Apple complying with the demands of the
Arab world and no longer using Israel-made batteries as not to upset their Arab
Boycott Watch made several attempts to contact Apple for a
comment about the maps issue, but they neither returned our calls nor replied
to our emails, no doubt because Boycott Watch is known for our work that
includes extensive reporting about the Arab boycott of Israel, which is also
the topic of the book Boycotting
Peace by Boycott Watch President Fred Taub. Boycott Watch therefore
interprets this as a case of Apple compliance with the Arab boycott of Israel,
thus their silence to avoid our reports landing on desks at the US Department
of Commerce.
Boycott Watch still has many questions for Apple, all
pertaining to potential violations of US Antiboycott Laws. What we do know is
an article in a major newspaper states Apple once used batteries made in
Israel, but has since stopped after demands by their Arab customers. We also
know that their map software complies with the Arab world again by not
recognizing Jerusalem as existing in Israel, let alone Israel's capital city.
We also know that if you want to buy Apple products in Israel, you can, but
only via third-party dealers. You
can, however, buy Apple products direct
in the United Arab Emirates, a clear indication of Apple compliance with the
illegal Arab boycott of Israel.
"This is about more than companies playing
politics" said Fred Taub, President of Boycott Watch. "The Arab
boycott of Israel is designed to prevent peace. As the opening line of my book
Boycotting Peace states, you can't have peace with someone who will not sit
down with you for a cup of coffee. In this case, Apple's position means they
are acting as cheerleaders for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, as
well as state sponsors of terrorism like Iran which also boycott Israel."
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