Previously, Boycott Watch exposed how the Arab League
Sanction against Syria are a farce, having the real goal of creating a PR
campaign. Today we explore some of the loop holes which were designed into the
Arab League sanctions plan.
First, however, people need to understand how the Arab League
functions, or more accurately, is dysfunctional. The Arab world is dominated by
dictators, many of which are in fear of being overthrown by other would-be
dictators. The 'Arab Spring' in Egypt which overthrew one dictator for example,
is in dire jeopardy of being overthrown creating a new dictatorship, this time
dominated by the radical Islamic Brotherhood which has been working for over
twenty years to overthrow Mubarek in the first place. Dysfunctional Arab
governments with factions fighting to overthrow them and each other explains
the single unifying element which bonds the Arab dictatorships, and that
binding force is their hatred of Jews and the resulting Arab boycott of Israel.
The Arab world is divided into two primary religious groups,
Sunni and Shia, neither of which can agree on anything. Even OPEC, which was
created by and is dominated by the Arab world, can't agree on much. What they
do agree on, including non-Arab OPEC members, is their hatred of Israel. That
hatred created the Arab 'boycott of
Jewish interests in the Middle-East' which began in 1910, long before
Israel was established. The coordinating council of the boycott is the Arab
League, which can only agree on one thing - boycotting Jews. In fact, every
meeting of the Arab league opens with a vote to reaffirm their boycott.
In the Middle East, Syria controls Lebanon, a nation the
Syrian government considers to be its Eastern province, allowing it to exist as
a nation-shell to avoid war with the United States the way Kuwait was liberated
from Iraq in Gulf War I. Just as Saddam Hussein wanted the Kuwaiti ports, Syria
controls the Lebanese ports, and citizens for that matter, explaining why Syria
and Lebanon voted against Syrian sanctions by the Arab League.
Beyond that, the imposed sanctions are meaningless. The Wall
Street Journal, Monday, November 28, 2011, reported "More than half
Syria's nonoil exports are sold to Arab countries." Export sanctions
against Syria mean nothing since those items are shipped via Lebanon anyhow,
Syria's main export port. On top of that, the only bank to actually be
sanctioned is the Central Bank of Syria, for which the Syrian government has,
according to an Al-Jazeera report, already moved between 95-96% of their money
away from anyhow.
While the November 28, 2011 WSJ stated the sanctions were
unenforceable, Boycott Watch
stated it was all a farce two weeks prior on November 14, 2011. Boycott
Watch also wrote the reason the sanctions are a farce, which is the Arab
boycott of Israel, a point the WSJ missed. The Arab boycott is not only the
binding force of the Arab League, but Syria is the glue which keeps the boycott
and the overall Arab economy running.
Syria is the central hub of the Arab patent world, and since
Arab dictators have their hand in most trade the way mobsters can only dream
of, harming Syria with real sanctions will only hurt the other members of the
Arab League. Most importantly for the Arabs, since the Central Boycott Office
Arab is based in Damascus, suspension of, or sanctions on Syria would only
result in the collapse of the Arab League itself. If that were to happen, Arab
dictatorships would certainly be hurt economically, and possibly result in
their complete demise.
This is why the Arab League setup meaningless sanctions on
Syria while making bold international claims to show the world how wonderful
they are. The Arab League has yet to send in observers as they have claimed
they may, simply because they cannot afford sanctions against Syria to work.
"Americans like to think the Arab world operates much
the same as the US, but that is not the case" said Fred Taub, President of
Boycott Watch. "Arab leaders have a tight control over the media, which is
why even for Fox News, which is partly owned by the Saudi Royal Family, the
closest place to Syria they can broadcast from Israel. Even then, reporters who
are not knowledgeable about the Arab League will miss keys to the story."
Fred Taub is the President of Boycott Watch, regularly
appears as a boycott expert in the media and his work has been cited in two
cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. In his book
Boycotting Peace, Fred Taub
details the history of the Arab League, its founding principal and their main
focus today of coordinating the Arab boycott of Israel and Jews in general.
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