July 22, 2021
Tensions are high after Ben and
Jerry's Ice Cream decided to boycott Israeli areas, and after Israel's Prime
Minister Bennet warned Ben and Jerry's parent company Unilever, there is the
possibility that if Bennet calls for a general boycott of Unilever, Jews from
all over the world will follow, and that can prove very costly to Unilever.
Imagine a world leader calling for a boycott of a company
I don't recall that ever happening said Fred Taub, President of Boycott
Watch. Boycott Watch called Unilever, but did not yet receive a reply, so we
decided to compile a partial list of Unilever products to see what such a
boycott may encompass. The following is our list:
Catregory |
Brands |
Food and Refeshment Brands |
Breyers |
Heartbrand |
Hellmann's |
Knorr |
Lipton |
Magnum |
Home Care Brands |
Cif |
Comfort |
Comfort |
Comfort |
Omo |
Radiant |
Sunlight |
Surf |
The Laundress |
Beauty & Personal Care Brands |
Axe |
Clear |
Dove |
Glow & Lovely |
Glow & Lovely |
Lux |
Rexona |
Smile |
Sunsilk |
Vaseline |
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