There is a report floating around Facebook and emails
claiming Israel has developed an airport security scanning system which will
scan a person for explosives, detonating the explosives while the person is in
a sealed, explosion-containing device. The report claims the potential bomber
will be the only person to die in the booth, and on the ground at the security
check-point. The story, however, is a hoax.
The claim started with a joke email
that has gone viral. The photo accompanying the story, shown here, clearly has
a United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employee operating
the scanner while in close proximity to the device. As you can see by the
photo, the scanner operator is clearly wearing a TSA uniform, complete with
shoulder patch, and is by far too close to the scanner for safety. Most
importantly, if such a device were actually in operation, the operator would
nee to be at least 500-1000 feet from the test in an outdoor location and in a
bomb shelter for safety. No explosives blast cabinet would be used in a
building or near people, especially the operators.
While it is an entertaining story, many people are falling
for the story, believing it is real and passing it along wondering why the US
has not adopted such devices.
In fact, the same device can be seen on the TSA website with
a similar photo
False report:
Israel's new airport security TEL AVIV, Israel - The
Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy
concerns that come with full-body scanners. It's an armored booth you step into
that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on
your person.
Israel sees this as a win-win situation for everyone, with
none of this crap about racial profiling. It will also eliminate the costs of
long and expensive trials. You're in the airport terminal and you hear a
muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter, an announcement: "Attention to all
standby passengers, El Al is proud to announce a seat available on flight 670
to London . Shalom!" |
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