Boycott Watch  
December 4, 2012
Political Activist Still Falsely Portrayed as a Pollster on Fox 2 Detroit.
Summary: Boycott Watch uncovers more evidence questioning who hired Tarek Baydoun in the first place.
    Despite Boycott Watch making several inquiries to Fox News executives questioning Tarek Baydoun's credentials as a pollster prior to the 2012 election, Fox 2 Detroit has kept Mr. Baydoun on their payroll as an on-air poll analyst on election-day, 2012. The job of a pollster is to conduct polls and analyze results in a fair and unbiased way, thus giving the public a fair assessment of public opinion as a whole.

    In our report "Fox Detroit Pollster / Reporter Is Paid To Promote Candidates He Reports About, Supports Hamas Terrorist Murder of Jews," we exposed just that - how so-called pollster Tarek Baydoun advertises himself as a consultant to candidate, thus enabling him to then report to the public on television without disclosure, and how this so-called pollster also advocates Hamas terrorism to destroy Israel.

    While there have been plenty of partisan politicians who have became media analysts, including George Stephanopoulos, Mr. Baydoun is different because he continues to advertise himself as a consultant to candidates despite appearing as an independent pollster on his website.

    Boycott Watch reiterates our questions about who hired him in the first place. The following is a screenshot of his Twitter ® postings where he praises the slate of the Arab American Political Action Committee (AAPAC) which endorses candidates as you can see in this PDF, it is a list of only Democrats.

Tarek Baydoun on Twitter

    A look at the timeline, bottom-up, reveals Mr. Baydoun as not just promoting candidates who potentially pay him, but also candidates of a single party, most of whom support a single issue agenda. Boycott Watch sees this as worse for Fox 2 Detroit - the TV station has a pollster who is really nothing more than an activist following and promoting a political action committee while claiming to report both sides fairly.

    "Boycott Watch still wants to know who hired Tarek Baydoun as a reporter" said Fred Taub, President of Boycott Watch. "His bias is so blatant that it tells us there must either be a pattern of abuse or a lack of controls in place at Fox 2 Detroit. The bias clearly indicates we will not get a straight answer from the Detroit station, which is why we directed our question to the parent network. We have yet to receive a reply."

    Boycott Watch also points out that everyone who supports terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah also support boycotting Israel and the associated Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. There is a reason for that. The Israel boycott is being pushed globally by supporters of Hamas, as we also see with Mr. Beydoun in our first report about him
, as well as supporters of other terrorist organizations. As exposed in the book Boycotting Peace, the current campaign is aimed at both growing sympathy for terrorists while working toward by destroying Israel economically.

    Boycott Watch is still seeking answers as to who hired Mr. Beydoun and why. We will continue to report on this matter as news becomes available.

Related report:
Fox Detroit Pollster / Reporter Is Paid To Promote Candidates He Reports About, Supports Hamas Terrorist Murder of Jews,

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