Post published an article July 15, 2010 titled "Glenn Beck: Jews
Killed Jesus," then began their article with the words "Glenn Beck
suggested that the Jews killed Jesus on his Fox News show Tuesday." Their
headline clams Beck made the statement, but the article the stated beck
"suggested" it. There is a big difference between stating something
and suggesting something, but the fact is, Beck did neither.
The article features a video and quote from the Glenn Beck
show, but the quote does not even support the claim of suggestion. Glenn Beck
was referring to a religious theology and stated two 'ifs" regarding that
theology, and then drew a conclusion based on the two ifs. Beck did not claim
Jews killed Jesus in any way. The quote in the article is: "...If he was a
victim, and this theology was true, then Jesus would've come back from the dead
and made the Jews pay for what they did. That's an abomination."
Beck was discussing a religious group to discredit it,
drawing a conclusion based on the philosophy of that group. Beck stated
"that's an abomination" referring to that philosophy. Fred Taub,
President of Boycott Watch said "Glenn Beck has been under fire for a long
time by people who want to silence him because he disagrees with their
politics. The Glenn Beck boycotters have made some make
wacky claims in the
past. This incident exemplifies the which-hunt to attack Beck who called the
philosophy an abomination. If this is what the Beck boycotters have to do to
get attention, their boycott is a failure.
Boycott Watch has reported this as a boycott to silence free
speech and intimidate voters. It started in California with Proposition 8 and a
boycott to intimidate
voters . Fred Taub was on several radio shows in California arguing the
dangers of the boycotts to intimidate voters as anti-American.
of those shows has since been cancelled and Glenn Beck's
ratings have been
going up, further indicating the boycotters has failed. |
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