Boycott Watch loves busting scams and we have been
known to bust
fake photo claims as well. People love funny pictures and sometimes people
stretch their imagination to come up with some near perfect fakes which become
viral emails, but the truth about these fakes should be made known.
Most recently a few photos claiming a Ham sale for Chanukah
has been circulating and Boycott Watch wants to set the record straight. The
humor of course is that ham is blatantly not kosher, but regardless, these
photos are staged and the following is the proof:
The forged photos:

1) Stores do not laminate temporary sale signs. Retailers print
them on paper or plastic using laser printers and put them out as is. If a sign
gets ruined, they can always print another. Laminating the signs ads time and
expense to make temporary signs permanent, and that's just not necessary,
especially in cost-centric marketplaces.
2) One
claiming to be a primary source of information about it has a problem, the sign
graphic does not match the color schema or the store the site claims the signs
were in. The colors of the store claimed by this website are orange and black
with a write trim, not orange and blue. Nice try, but the sign pattern is all
That website even goes as far as claiming "Update: As of
Tuesday morning 12/4, the hams are now tagged with green "Perfect for the
Holidays!" signs." Sorry, but you failed to post the new photos of
the corrected signs you falsely claim. It's a good excuse, though, for the
reason people won't find the fake signs when visiting that store.
3) One viral e-Mail in circulation claims the signs are in a
Wal-Mart, but the colors don't match the Wal-Mart colors either. The fact is,
we have yet to see any emails with a store which has the same color schema as
the signs.
4) You may notice there is no store or brand name on the
signs. Considering how both love to advertise, it is a clear indication the
people who made the signs wanted to keep it generic as not to implicate any
particular company.
5) Special sales always point to specific brands and
products, not all such products in a store. The signs are targeting Chanukah
and ham and are free of brand names. These signs are generic, thus the photos
could be taken in any store.
6) Considering that many Jews would take offense to the
signs, there has been no apology for the claimed sale, not even from the stores
which are claimed to have had the signs. Boycott Watch believes someone went
out of their way to create the signs, which are funny, then went to a 24-hour
supermarket late one night where they put the pictures up, took quick photos
and left. We believe the sings were laminates so they would not get fold-marks
while trying to bring the photos to the store for quick photos.
Nice try, but it is a fake. |
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