It happens every Independence Day. People have cookouts
and watch fireworks shows, but if you ask them what year George Washington
became the President, they will say 1776. Oh, by the way, that is not the right
answer. President Washington was inaugurated April 30, 1789 after the
ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
The words "We The People" were far more than a
declaration of self rule. It opened the doors to innovation and
entrepreneurship. It cast away the need for permission from the government to
be in business, and what business you can be in. The greatest minds of science
such as DiVinci and Galileo had previously been attacked by the church for
merely thinking about science, let alone creating anything innovative.
The United States opened the doors to taking creative
thoughts, building products, and patents were key because they guaranteed
individuals the rights to their innovations, allowing them to prosper with
their innovations without fear of someone else beating them in the market with
their own ideas. Patents made innovators prosperous, thus encouraging
Thanks to the U.S. patent system, people were finally able to
make money bringing their ideas to the market. Prior to this, governments such
as England and France controlled patents, who could get them and for what. The
results of that are clear - there was very little innovation in Europe for
So why is America special? I can write books on several
topics, but for starters, look around you. From the chair you are sitting on,
to the computer you are probably reading this, to the almost everything around
you, even those made-in-China toys and electronics, and even id you are Amish,
is all based on American innovations and the patent.
So, as we celebrate Independence Day, take a moment to look
around you and be proud of all the great things this country has done. For
those who are looking at the bad things in America, please remember that
without good there is no bad, and the good we see all around us, from windows,
to food, to transportation, to whatever since the list can go on forever, are
still because of the greatness of this nation and the freedoms we have as a
Happy Birthday America!
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