Bigots have two things in common. First, they blame
others for their own shortcomings. The Nazis, for example, believe if anything
goes wrong, it must have been because a Jew was involved. If they get a flat
tire, they automatically blame Jews. The Ku Klux Klan takes a more religious
approach, claiming Jews killed Jesus; therefore Jews are the root of Evil. When
I heard Louis Farrakhan speak in the 1980's he pointed to me in the audience
and said "Now my Jewish brothers and sisters out there, now don't you
think I'm anti-Semitic, but don't you put your evil on me!"
That leads to the second thing bigots have in common. They
claim to be better because others are worse. It is a depression mentality that
some try to fix with the self-esteem movement. This leads to the new breed of
Jew-hatred, the Israel boycotters, a generation of haters who, instead of being
depressed, feel good about themselves while blaming Jews for their own
As detailed in my book
Boycotting Peace, the Arab boycott
of Israel dates back to 1910 as a boycott of Jewish interests. The boycott is
also the central theme of the Arab League, the leading pan-Arab organization
that was formed to coordinate the boycott against Jews and Israel. It is also
where the Nazis got the idea of boycotting Jews that later evolved into
creating the Nazi concentration and death camps. There is a parallel. Two
Israeli Army reservists made a wrong turn into Ramallah on October 20, 2000.
Despite going to the Palestinian police compound for refuge, they were brutally
murdered at the hands of the PA that is not only signatory to the boycott of
Israel, but which also created the Boycott Divestment Sanctions campaign
against Israel. The fact is the Arab boycott of Israel and its BDS campaign
subsidiary is not benevolent.
There are two types of people who join the BDS campaign
against Israel. First you have the angry Marxists who just hate every
capitalist society, and then you have the peace activists who will do almost
anything in the name of peace. But how does this translate into Jew hatred?
The answer becomes apparent in their approach. Marxists
generally stand with the communists, Trotskyites, and everyone else on the far
left. One would think therefore they would stand with their Israeli Kibbutz
comrades, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Marxists who join
the Arab boycott / BDS campaign attack anything and everything from or related
to Israel.
The same applies to the peace activists. They don't stand
with Israeli peace activists; they just boycott Israel in general. While some
Israel boycotters claim they only boycott goods from certain areas of Israel,
the fact is in practicality the boycott campaign does not differentiate between
goods based on origin within Israel.
This brings us back to the two things racists have in common
- they blame others for their own shortcomings and claim superiority because
other people are worse. While the BDS crowd blames Israel for the woes of
others, they also tell Israel what to do out of a sense of moral superiority
based on their own self-esteem. Effectively, therefore, the Israel boycotters
are by definition bigots.
Of course they will deny being bigots and then claim
Zionists are the real bigots, which brings up the topic of the Arab techniques
used in their boycott of Israel - the trend among Arabs is to blame Israel for
their shortcomings. For example, while Jews and Christians are forbidden from
entering Mecca and Medina, the BDS claim is that Arabs are discriminated
against by Israel. Of course the Arabs don't tell their BDS recruits that Arabs
vote in Israel and have been in every Knesset since day one; nor do they tell
their BDS recruits that Israelis can't enter most Arab nations, nor can any
Jews vote in Arab nations.
The Israel boycotters also fail to mention that Arab women
can't vote or drive under Islamic rule, yet are free to do both in Israel. The
list goes on and on. Simply stated, the Arab world likes to claim Israel denies
the very basic human rights the Arab world actually imposes on its own people,
thus blaming Israel and Jews in general for the Arab world's own shortcomings.
There is one truism I have learned in the fifteen years I
have been studying boycotts: It is easy to make a false claim and scream
boycott in response. However, when you shine a light on the actions of the
claimants, you may then be exposing the truth, including who the real bigots
Fred Taub is the President of
Boycott Watch and the author of
Boycotting Peace which exposes the
truth behind the Arab boycott of Israel / BDS. He is radio host, comments in
the major media and his work as been cited in two cases before the United
States Supreme Court. |
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